Thursday, July 28, 2011

If It Got Hot We've Got The Fan - Wayne Mazurek

"OK, that was our apartment right there. That has a fan. I would sit there and, and since I would look out the window and I could see, the court, the courtyard. Heh heh, not much of a courtyard but it was a courtyard, and the center sidewalk could allow people to walk out."

"Over here is our entrance. Uh me and my mom would walk up the stairs, in here, walk up that way, and I wind up in the apartment which is, right here..."

"...and we had our fan, inside one window, say if it got hot we’ve got the fan. That's kinda nice, huh."


Thursday, July 7, 2011

Luke Always Knows - Marc Fischer

"Luke always knows. Luke pretty much always knows exactly what he wants to make, or he has ideas and he needs help executing them. He doesn't I think, expect that he should have to know how t do everything but that others should fill in some of the details and then he can put his stamp on it in other ways."

"I see it as my role to kind of help him fulfill that and we keep working on the project until he feels satisfied with the result, and then we move on to the next thing that he wants to make."